PIPFALL and the American Cornhole Organization (ACO) are partnering for the ACO’s Season 17. ACO will be hosting national PIPFALL tournaments at each of its Majors. ACO members and non-members can compete for a chance to win a cash prize.

“We are thrilled at the opportunity to be partnering with such a well-established organization. It was really a lot of fun to be a part of a few majors last season and the week-long World’s Tournament. We are excited to be sponsoring a full season with over 30 tournaments nationwide. Nothing really compares to being a part of the ACO family” — PIPFALL

Each ACO PIPFALL tournament gives players an opportunity to win a minimum purse prize of $500, with the prize purse maxing out at $1,000 based on participation. Players sign up directly with the ACO to secure their spot and pre-register on the ACO ticketing website. There is also an opportunity to register at the door during each event. Becoming an ACO member will get you up to $10 off on PIPFALL tournament sign-up fees.

“PIPFALL has absolutely found a home within the ACO and with our players. The more players that pick up the dice at our Majors, the more fun they are having when not pitching cornhole; and the more opportunities for engagement with them, the better! The more, the merrier” — Frank Geers ACO Founder/President

Entry Fee (pay at the door):

  • $10 entry to any ACO Member who Pre-Registers online
  • $15 entry to any ACO Member who does not Pre-Register (walk-up)
  • $20 entry for all other walk-ups that are not ACO Members

Pre-Registration and additional information can be found at www.pipfall.com/pages/pipfall-tournaments

Tournament Structure

Single elimination, blind draw, two-person team competition. This is subject to change based on final game time participation.

Guaranteed Purse!

$500.00 Guaranteed Purse with 50 or less players


  • $200.00 first-place team
  • $150 second-place team
  • $100 third-place team
  • $50 fourth-place team


September 24, 2021

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